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Comprehensive Guide to Postgresql Commands CheatSheet

PostgreSQL Commands

Mastering Database Management

Accessing PostgreSQL
Access the PostgreSQL server from psql with a specific user:
psql -U [username];
Connect to a specific database:
\c database_name;
Quit psql:

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Common psql Commands
Command Description
psql -h host -U username -d dbname Connect to a specified database
psql -U username -d dbname Connect to a local database
psql -h host -p 5432 -U username -d dbname Connect specifying a port
psql -h host -U username -d dbname -f file.sql Execute commands from an SQL file
psql -c “SELECT * FROM tablename;” -o output.txt Export query results to a file
psql -c “COPY (SELECT * FROM tablename) TO STDOUT WITH CSV” > data.csv Export data in CSV format
psql -c “\COPY tablename FROM ‘data.csv’ WITH CSV” Import data from a CSV file
createdb -h host -U username newdbname Create a new database
dropdb -h host -U username dbname Drop an existing database
psql -c “\db” View tablespaces

Listing Databases and Schemas
Command Description
\l List all databases
\dn List all schemas
\df List all functions
\dv List all views
\dt List all tables
\dt+ Get more information on tables
\d+ table_name Get detailed information on a table
\df+ function_name Show a stored procedure or function code
\du List all users
Managing Roles
Command Effect
CREATE ROLE role_name; Create a new role
CREATE ROLE username NOINHERIT LOGIN PASSWORD password; Create a new role with a username and password
SET ROLE new_role; Change the role for the current session
GRANT role_2 TO role_1; Allow role_1 to set its role as role_2

Managing Databases
Command Description
CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name; Create a new database
DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] db_name; Delete a database

Managing Tables
Command Description
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name (…); Create a new table or a temporary table
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN new_column_name TYPE; Add a new column to a table
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; Drop a column in a table
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME column_name TO new_column_name; Rename a column
ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN [SET DEFAULT value | DROP DEFAULT]; Set or remove a default value for a column
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY (column,…); Add a primary key to a table
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT primary_key_constraint_name; Remove the primary key from a table
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; Rename a table
DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name CASCADE; Drop a table and its dependent objects

Managing Views
Command Description
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name AS query; Create a view
CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW view_name(column_list) AS SELECT column_list; Create a recursive view
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name AS query WITH [NO] DATA; Create a materialized view
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY view_name; Refresh a materialized view
DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS] view_name; Drop a view
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name; Drop a materialized view
ALTER VIEW view_name RENAME TO new_name; Rename a view

Managing Indexes
Command Description
CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table (column,…); Create an index
DROP INDEX index_name; Remove a specified index from a table

Querying Data
Command Description
SELECT * FROM table_name; Query all data from a table
SELECT column_list FROM table; Query data from specified columns of all rows in a table
SELECT DISTINCT (column) FROM table; Query data and select unique rows
SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition; Query data from a table with a filter
SELECT column_1 AS new_column_1, … FROM table; Assign an alias to a column in the result set
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column LIKE ‘%value%’; Query data using the LIKE operator
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column BETWEEN low AND high; Query data using the BETWEEN operator
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column IN (value1, value2,…); Query data using the IN operator
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT limit OFFSET offset ORDER BY column_name; Constrain the returned rows with the LIMIT clause

Joining Tables
Command Description
SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON conditions; Perform an inner join
SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON conditions; Perform a left join
SELECT * FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON conditions; Perform a full outer join
SELECT * FROM table1 CROSS JOIN table2; Perform a cross join
SELECT * FROM table1 NATURAL JOIN table2; Perform a natural join

Set Operations
Command Description
SELECT * FROM table1 UNION SELECT * FROM table2; Combine the result set of two or more queries with UNION
SELECT * FROM table1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM table2; Minus a result set using EXCEPT
SELECT * FROM table1 INTERSECT SELECT * FROM table2; Get the intersection of the result sets of two queries

Modifying Data
Command Description
INSERT INTO table(column1,column2,…) VALUES(value_1,value_2,…); Insert a new row into a table
INSERT INTO table_name(column1,column2,…) VALUES(value_1,value_2,…), …; Insert multiple rows into a table
UPDATE table_name SET column_1 = value_1, …; Update data for all rows
UPDATE table SET column_1 = value_1, … WHERE condition; Update data for a set of rows specified by a condition in the WHERE clause
DELETE FROM table_name; Delete all rows of a table
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; Delete specific rows based on a condition

Command Description
EXPLAIN query; Show the query plan for a query
EXPLAIN ANALYZE query; Show and execute the query plan for a query
ANALYZE table_name; Collect statistics