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Rsync is a unique, full-featured file transfer facility. It can perform differential uploads and downloads (synchronization) of files across the network, transferring only data that has changed. How does Rsync work? Rsync faster than scp or sftp? How to use Rsync to sync files between servers? For example, if there is a local copy of …

Read More about Rsync vs Scp – Which is Faster?

No Load balancers in front of cassandra Cassandra distributes the data across the nodes and most of the cassandra drivers have the algorithm built in to direct requests appropriately . Adding load balancer introduces an additional layer , potentially breaks intelligent algorithms used by driver and also introduces a single point of failure where there …

Read More about 14 Apache Cassandra best Practices for developers & Application Teams

Rp_filter is short for reverse path filtering on Linux. We can use this to filter packets on Linux. Here are 5 common questions about rp_filter. What is reverse path filtering? Reverse path filtering is a mechanism adopted by the Linux kernel, as well as most of the networking devices out there to check whether a …

Read More about How rp_filter works on Linux?