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Network Connectivity Test Command Generator

Network Connectivity Test Command Generator

Welcome to the Network Connectivity Test Command Generator!

This intuitive tool is designed to assist Linux users in diagnosing network connectivity issues by generating essential commands tailored to your needs.

Simply input the hostname or IP address along with the desired port and an optional timeout.

With just a click, you’ll receive a selection of commands using popular tools like netcat, nmap, and curl, all formatted for easy copying.

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Network Connectivity Test Command Generator

nc (netcat):
Python telnet module:
Python socket module:

The Network Connectivity Test Command Generator is a web tool designed for Linux users to easily generate various commands for testing network connectivity. It provides commands for tools like nc, nmap, telnet, and more, based on the hostname/IP address, port, and timeout values you provide.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Open the Tool

2. Input Hostname or IP Address

In the Hostname or IP Address field, enter the desired hostname (e.g., or an IP address (e.g.,

3. Enter the Port Number

In the Port field, specify the port number you want to test (e.g., 80 for HTTP).

4. Specify the Timeout Value

In the Timeout (seconds) field, enter the timeout duration (e.g., 10 seconds). This value is essential as it dictates how long the command will wait for a response.

5. Observe Command Generation

As soon as you fill out all three fields (hostname/IP, port, and timeout), the tool will automatically generate the corresponding commands below. You will see commands for different tools such as:

  • nc (netcat)
  • nmap
  • telnet
  • Python telnet module
  • Python socket module
  • curl

6. Copy Commands

If you want to use any of the generated commands:

  • Click the Copy button next to the desired command. This will copy the command to your clipboard, allowing you to paste it into your terminal.

7. Test Connectivity

Open your terminal or command line interface. Paste the copied command and press Enter to execute it.

8. Interpret the Results

The command will provide output based on the connectivity test. Make sure to review the results to understand the connectivity status to the specified hostname/IP and port.

Example Usage

1. Hostname/IP:

2. Port: 80

3. Timeout: 10

Generated Commands:

nc -zv 80 -w 10
nmap -p 80 --host-timeout 10s
telnet 80
python3 -c "import telnetlib; telnetlib.Telnet('', 80, timeout=10)"
python3 -c "import socket; socket.create_connection(('', 80), timeout=10)"
curl -v --connect-timeout 10 telnet://


  • Ensure that the tools (like nmap, nc, telnet, etc.) are installed on your Linux system to execute the generated commands successfully.
  • Make sure you have the necessary permissions to perform connectivity tests on the specified network.


The Network Connectivity Test Command Generator simplifies the process of generating connectivity test commands for various networking tools. By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently assess the network status for any hostname or IP address.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!