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David Cao

David is a Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. He has years of experience as a Linux engineer. He had working experience in AMD, EMC. He likes Linux, Python, bash, and more. He is a technical blogger and a Software Engineer. He enjoys sharing his learning and contributing to open-source.

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the latest revolution in data transfer technology. The much-anticipated release of Curl 8.9.0 has arrived, boasting an array of innovative features and enhancements that are set to elevate user experience to new heights. Why is Curl 8.9.0 such a big deal? What makes this version …

Read More about Curl 8.9.0 Released: Revolutionizing Data Transfer

OpenAI has unveiled its latest innovation, GPT-4o mini, a smaller, more affordable version of its flagship model, GPT-4o. Designed to make advanced AI capabilities accessible to a wider range of developers and businesses, GPT-4o mini offers impressive performance at a fraction of the cost. GPT-4o Mini Key Features and Capabilities Cost-Efficiency: Priced significantly lower than …

Read More about OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o Mini: A Cost-Effective AI Powerhouse

In the world of Linux, ‘sudo’ is a crucial command. It stands for “superuser do” and allows certain users to execute commands with superuser or root privileges. But what does this really mean? And more importantly, how can you use it effectively and securely? Let’s dive in. Basic Concept of  ‘sudo’ The ‘sudo’ command is …

Read More about Understanding the Linux sudo Command: A Comprehensive Guide

In the Linux system, file operations and user management are two very important concepts, which are crucial for the normal operation and maintenance of the system. Below I will introduce some basic operations on these two topics. Linux File Operations Linux File System for New Learners: An In-Depth Guide In-Depth File Type Understanding Linux file …

Read More about Day 2: Mastering Linux File User and Disk Management: Essential Commands and Techniques for System Administrators

Linux Common Commands Linux commands can be categorized based on their functionality. Here are some main categories along with some common commands in each category: 1. File and Directory Operations ls – List directory contents. cd – Change the current directory. pwd – Print the current working directory. mkdir – Create a new directory. rmdir …

Read More about Day 1: Linux Basics – Mastering Linux Command Line: A Comprehensive Guide to File Management, Shell Operations, and Scripting Techniques

I’ve been there—faced with a Linux server that’s slower than molasses in winter. It’s a headache, but it’s a common one. Fortunately, after many late nights and countless cups of coffee, I’ve honed a few strategies to get my server back up to speed. Let me take you through my troubleshooting journey. How I Check …

Read More about Boosting Linux Server Power: My Hands-on Linux Troubleshooting Experience

Let’s face it, technical interviews can be nerve-wracking! You want to showcase your skills, land the job, and avoid any silly mistakes that might trip you up. But sometimes, those same mistakes keep popping up, leaving you wondering what went wrong. Well, I’ve been there! Through my own technical interview experiences, I learned some valuable …

Read More about How I Overcame Interview Anxiety and Aced My Tech Interviews

Remember those early days of using Linux? It felt like the Wild West of computers! You could customize everything, which was awesome, but there was always this nagging worry in the back of your mind. What if you accidentally downloaded something bad with all those cool-sounding programs? Every time you clicked “install,” it felt like …

Read More about From Vulnerable to Secure: My Journey to Block Malicious Packages on Linux