8 powerful network commands in Linux

tcpdump command

It captures, analyzes, and interprets network packets for troubleshooting purposes. It provides insights into traffic flow, protocols, and network behavior.

packet analyzer tool

8 powerful network commands in Linux

netstat command

This command displays active network connections. It shows open ports, listening sockets, and routing tables.

monitor network connection

8 powerful network commands in Linux

nmcli command

Connect and disconnect, manage connections with a command. Control Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or VPNs, all at your demand.

manage network

8 powerful network commands in Linux

hostname command

This command shows or sets the system's hostname. It identifies the computer on the network.

manage hostname

8 powerful network commands in Linux

ip command

This versatile command configures network interfaces. It assigns IP addresses, sets up routes, and manages tunnels.

manage ip address

8 powerful network commands in Linux

ping command

This simple command tests connectivity to a remote host. It sends echo probes and measures response times.

test network

8 powerful network commands in Linux

dig command

This command queries DNS servers for information. It resolves domain names into IP addresses.

DNS query

8 powerful network commands in Linux

ss command

This command provides detailed information about network sockets. It offers more comprehensive data than netstat.

socket analysis